Monday, August 22, 2005

testing..123...test..test. muha.ha.ha so yellowish look like my brain colour.actually look orange .but then,who cares?dun want to blind u all.decide to help update the blog.since i will need a chainsaw to hack away the cobwebs to CUM here.let me see why there are so many 9ppl ,exclusive of instructors.but as the sec4 are mugging for their exams so no time to CUM here.left 6 ppl.out of the 6 ,3 of them dun even noe this blog exsisted or are too lazy to come here(for jacintha case)the remaining 3 ,1 is comp got prob ,and the the other one have late night excerises *ahem*like doing left sab.poor thing.sad are the few things u should note during the 7 mth:
1)burn more incense when business is gd
2)kids should be home by 5pm
3)bring back ur clothes before dusk(applies even during normal times)
4)do not swim(does not applies to chio ppl like ruhua)
5)try not to change seats while watching a movie(since some seats are reserved for xiong di)
6)do not watch horror show in bedok princess
7)remember to bring a paper bag to cover ur face if u look like Zoe noob when going out at night(does not applies to black ppl like shiya since they will blend in with the background)
8)beware of full moon cuz that when colour wolf come out(applies for all occasions)think that all .cya.

adapted from nc5 blog

6:17 PM

Monday, August 08, 2005

whoosh. ndp todae wor. whee. hee. woke up lyk damn early todae lar. its lyk 5 den wake up le. hee. actuali quite late lor. cus 545 mus fall in liaoo. whoops. [=

hmm. den lyk change n eat. den go sch. reached sch den see all da ppl dere. ooh. den my beret dat thing e black color part drop out. is lyk da whole thing came off lor. whoo. so borrow cindy de beret. yeah. den after dat got ui. den small rehearsal for ourself. hmm. den after dat got rehearsal wif da whole parade. but is lyk damn short de lar. after dat was real parade le. omg. from da old parade sq u see is lyk all da ppl wearing red lor. so red. den lyk evry1 is waiting fer us to march down lor. whee? bleahh =p

den at da old parade sq dere we did a bang lar. den was lyk wow. so nice de lor. hee. its solid man. whoo. rawks lar. den started marching down. den all da other bangs not nice le. hee. den stand dere lor. woots. im standing in front. so lyk i tink not so hot bah. quite shuang actuali lor. hee. hmm. see all da trs. kiping myself occupied during da whole parade. oso duno wad i was tinking abt anws. but its lyk i tot it was v short lor. after awhile den was march pass liaoo. seems much shorter den all da rehearsals can. hee. mebe cus no sun lor. hahas. (:

after parade went to eat da things for da reception de. den me n liting went to change clothes. wore full-u for so long lor. hee. den lyk ncc kip wearing dat number 1 uni lor. haiixx. liting wanted me to bring cam fer her. hahas. but i din lar. cus i dun haf. yeah. den after dat decided to go 85 dere. den go eat dessert. n after dat go liting hse to slack. hahas. xp

so lyk go dere. n tok abt alot of things. got many secrets dat we found out from each other. hee. den we yanjiu da yr bk too. lalala. looking at all da ppl. boos. realised dat i duno alot ppl in da sch. hee. or rather oni noe how dey look lyk. but duno deyr name. wadeva lar. hee. den v bored. so liting go make milo blend. whee. i tink mus add more milk lor. yeah. hee. den we were eating potato chips. den after dat go home liaoo lar. suppose to go granny hse. bleahh. hee >.<


6:08 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

whee. last ndp rehearsal todae. hahas. wore full-u to sch. den lyk v slack lar. cus no nid wake up so early de mah. ahhas reach at 645 lidat. den wear gloves n all dose things. [=

after dat fall-in. den got warm up drill. lalala. den hope we dun dao lar. ooh. started rehearsal. den i not sure if we reli stand dere fer 1/2hr leh. cus lyk seems quite short. compared to a real half hr. but anws. dey did resizing. so im in front now. lalala. ooh. den did march down. den all da things lor. hmm. was looking at de fire hose thing. cus it was in front of me. so dun care bah. jus see lor. xinhui sae mus kip urself entertained during da standing dere. so lidat lor. den lyk after da rehearsal we go out for lunch. =p

went tm. got me clarice crystal liting.y melvin hannah n boonkai. den we go food cot n eat. after dat decided to go melvin's hse. to slack i guess. cus dey got dat campfire thingy. hees. den we jus go dere. den watch scary movie. i tink da name is shuttle. den i nv watch b4 mah. den i dun reli understand anitin. so lyk jus see lor. den got 1 part is da ghost was in da pic de. den she turn her head. b4 dat is lyk got dis 'drum beat' sound. den sounds lyk ndp. plus when she turn got 'pom' dat sound. is lyk kekanan lurrous lar. hee. den lyk i screamed. n almost cried. cus lyk totally no preparation lar. boonkai nv tel me lor. bleahh. xp

after dat we jus cont watching. den hannah go dl songs for her new ipod mini. den me n clarice were lyk hugging dis pokemon thing. hahas. den we were lyk tinking wad was goin to happen next. n melvin kip asking me to watch lar. bleahh. walao. saw things dat cud reli scare hell out of me tho. bleahh. hmm. gross leh. eww. last part is most disgusting wan. is da ghost sitting on his neck de. eww. cus he go take pix around his hse. to find whr is da ghost. den he found it. it was sitting on him. eek. disgusting lar. plus dat ghost looks totally disgusting. eww eww eww. (x

after dat crystal came. n we were watching zhen qing. hahas. den hannah started changing into full-u le. den we were lyk go home lor. reached home around 7plus. den bathe. n almost got bathrm phobia. cus of dat stoopid movie. ahh. dis is stoopid. so bored lor. blah (:


8:30 PM

Friday, August 05, 2005

wahas ppl. todae was 2.4km run lor. hahas. den i reached ecp at around 6plus. den saw ncos. n jacintha oso. hee. lucki not da oni wan from my sq dere. ooh. [=

den after dat all our sq ppl cum liaoo. den we go put our belongings. n take our valuables wif us to da pd area. lalala. n pd started. wel. not v fun tho. sit dere feed mosquitos oni lor. sucks. lucki got fengyou kae. if not i wil die lor. cus lyk so mani bites lor. disgusting. den lyk finali da sec4 guys started running da 2.4 liaoo. hee. den lyk damn fast lar dey all. cus lyk ben fell down mah. so he came back for anti-septic. so lyk after giving him da anti-septic den lyk 1st guy run pass us liaoo lar. wow. dat was fast lor. hee (:

den after dat got sec4 girls. den sec2 guys. hahas. 1st guy was junliang leh. hee. hahas. den sec1 guys 1st wan is oso scouts de lor. hahas. got sec1 girls too. last wan was sec3s. lalala. but anws. after sec3 girls den no mor pd liaoo. can go back le. great. dun hav to get eaten by dumb mosquitos. eww. but heard dat we dere oso fei wan lor. cus lyk dey spent $200 on getting sum pro ppl to treat dem. wad is dis man? bleahh. =p

woots. sj outing after dat. change clothes. wore kls tee plus dark shorts. walao. damn disgusting lar. cus dey throw at you da water is salty wan lor. is taken from da sea de can. eww. den lyk drank abit oso i tink. eee. hahas. play caterpillar game. i pair wif wong!! ahh. hahas. den lyk da guys v ap lar. dunwan play mite as wel dun cum liaoo. jkjk. oso got dis funi 'passing water' game. its lyk got all da stations n blah blah blah. suppose to put water into dis pail. den mus use e water to make da water bombs. ahhas. den we kip throwing at each other. minle was damn dry lar. hmm. when mdm teo was giving her 'advise' den we were holding a 'cup' of water. we wanted to pour onto each other. hee. den we kip saying 'cheers' and 'ganbei'. hahas. in da end he pour on johanna n i pour into xiquan's shirt. hahas. xp

so after dat we went to change clothes. n shower too. den lyk our clothes reli v eww lar. lyk totally disgusting. all da sand n all. after dat was 'free n easy' session. so me shiya crystal liting.y n wenbin went mac to eat. den saw dem taking da pizza. den we cont eating. n went back after dat. hmm. reli seems lyk not enuf food lar. cus lyk v little pizza lor. anws. after dat dismiss liaoo. +_+

den liting clarice me shiya crystal n adeline went parkway. den we go walk walk. after dat went liting's hse. ooh. play comp. hee. den we sign in fer shiya de. n changed her nick to 'THE RETURN OF SHIYA'. actuali it was clarice. so lyk oni few ppl got dat new nic lor. hee. den we were listening to songs. n tinking of farewel. tink of wad songs to use. n tink of wad dance we lyk. n wad we gona du. but. da thing is dat we alwaex sae wad we wan to du. in da end. alwaes nv du de lor. omg. y is dis happening to us man. haiixx. den we gossip gossip. n flood ppl's tag board. hee. wadeva. duncare liaoo. hahas. =X


6:53 PM