Saturday, November 27, 2004

err.2dae farewel.den err.mi n yaya mit at tampinest mrt station at 9.30.n den cuz raining.den muz go back home n take umbrella.den lucki when i reach da bus-stop juz in time 2 make it fer da bus 67.yepps.den err.i made shiya wait fer 12 nice.den when i reach da mrt station.she sae "ni zhong yu lai le".den we walked 2 clarice hse dere.n we saw y-liting dere.den we were dere waiting fer crystal.she rebond her hair yesterdae.n err.we tink dat she wil look lyk ghost.n when she came.n we saw her from a faraway place.we ran away.n if she found us.we wil sae "wo men kan dao gui le suo yi duo qi lai".hahas.but she dint find we juz err.stay dere.n she when inside da stadium.n cuz we 10++ muz go eat we juz ask clarice cum down.den we go tm dere try 2 buy spray dat can spray color wan.but we stil cant find juz make du wif da glitter dat ylt's mum bot.den after dat we go take bus 2 85market dere.cuz 67 juz when so we take 31.n we sat it lyk a roller-coaster.hahs.den we took 14 2 dat market dere.n we saw jonana xav yuhan ah-tun sam james matt n weixuan.den when we were dere.cuz got sum ppl dere.den sum other ppl dun wan walk dere.n den we heard jonana sae "dey walk pass us lyk dey duno us".heex.we dint mean it da end we stil sae "hi" wads.n den when we were dere.we when 2 buy fud.n i was da 1st 2 cum back.err.yahs.den when i cum back den i saw wenbin.err.we ate.den ylt went 2 help us buy drinks as usual.n oni crystal went wif her.we eat n eat.n den went 2 da nearby shop 2 buy sweets fer xuan ming de bottle.n err.cuz mi yaya n rice when 2 look at rubberbands n scrungy?yah.den we walk back we saw dem walking back le.den we call dem da "lan se de ren".so we kip saying "lan se de ren zou le".so we had 2 run.n dey stoped at da shop we were lyk err."okae.dey stop le.we can catch up wif dem liaos.".hahs.den stil got wad err.when we reached skool le.err.we saw ppl blowing we go blow oso.n muz hand in $5.n da bandages.n err.den cuz got alot balloons.den we muz lyk number4 control balloons.heex.den i was lyk sitting in da middle of da princess.heex.n err.den tie balloons.den after making dat arch.we muz carry pain de.err.da table disgusting.den after dat we muz put da cardboard.den we ran out of muskin tape.yah.n da cardboard is disgusting.n finali.banners.we can hang da banners liaox.we had a funi wae of hanging banners.we cut holes n we chuan da raffia string.lyk sewing.n err.i tink after dat we went 2 change.n we were lyk duin cheer in da toilet."chio bux kemama~" n "3 cheers fer chio bux".hahas.n when we went down we saw boon shuai.n hannah dey all so chio.cuz da skirt so damn short de.n den we got rehearsal b4 dey came.n cheryl ask mi 2 go da err.stadium outside got a box of bandages.den i muz go n look after.n while running dere i saw aloy.dint noe dat he was in skool.n after duno how long le.den dey were at basketball cot de stairs.n den after duno how long den dey were da parade sq dere.hahas.=))

12:08 PM

err.lets sae abt da performance now.yepps.err.sae.lyk it started when da sec4s met up sumwhr n were brot up 2 da skool.n err.i tink dey were playing sum games or wadeva den dey were blindfolded.den dey had 2 b led b sum1 2 err.bring dem 2 parade sq dere.den after dat when dey were dere lyk dey take off dat bandages.den got dis balloon arch thingy.shiya n clarice were lyk holdin it 2 make sure dat it dun dao tao lyk dat time triage case.[-___-'''].den when matt n cheryl announce da names of da ppl den dey muz walk in wif deyr ushers.n ppl lyk mi hu r standing at da sides wan muz go use popper n pop dem?err.sth lidat.den lyk we oso use dat spray thingy 2 spray ppl.hmmm.sitted le.can start eating soon.but 1st of cuz dey wil serve da sec4s mahs.den after dat den we all can eat.hmmm.i tink dey serve finish le.whooo~.our turn liaos.hmmm.yepps.err.cuz we took da fud le but according 2 da tradition we muz du fud cheer mahs.den after sq3 take le.den matt n cheryl ask sq5 2 err.lead us in da fud cheer fer da laz time le.den lyk at 1st dey were quite funi.cuz i tink dey fergot how it went.den all sae wrong i tink.abit rusty.when was da laz time dey did dat?err.i dun reli noe.hahas.ive neva heard it b4 least not dat i rmb lars.den when we were eating le dey play da song dedications.n i tink dat our sq de rites.hahax.i feel dat it was sae abit err.not lame but sae.duno how 2 sae least ppl can understand ritex.den after dat jasmin came around n ask us 2 get redi fer our performance.cuz we were da 1st.n err.yah.1st performance graduation.omg.hmmm.err.funi 1st cuz lyk da stage got nobodi wan.den oni james clarice n shiya were tokin dere.when it came 2 da scenarios part i dun reli noe weta da audience understand mahs.but i tot it was quite okaes.until da punishment dat wan.when liting came up 2 faz.den we juz had 2 inpromtu.but i oso tinks dat she is quite stress wan lars.i dun blame her.she is under alot of stage pressure?yepps.den next wan.couple dance.err.okaes least i tink it was quite okaes.except fer da part dat mi n wenbin dance wrongli.but lucki we got back.n da ending part i tink we dint reli end off v nice.cuz we were not sure whr 2 go lehs.quite messy i tot.whooo~.upside-down liaos.finali.mi fav dance of farewel.dat was da most enthu dance dat we enthu enthu.sq3 performance le.dey started wif dat love love song.dat chair dance wan.den was much beta compared 2 ours.but i tink dat our sq has put in alot off effort 2 du dis farewel performance de.yepps.den err.when dey were duin chair dance.cuz hannah was not wearing any shorts mahs.den err.we afraid she wil zou guang.den da last part ish suppose 2 b joyce n weisong dance dat solo-couple part wan.den err.da music stopped.n evry wan was lyk err.hafin funi expressions on deyr faces.den we shouted "joyce n weisong hao pei".hees.dey were cumz dat hip least i tink dat sum of our sq ppl noe how 2 dance le.yupps.err.i tink so lars.den we were standing on da we were oso dancing on da table mahs?err.sorta.yupps.hmmm.after dis was da games.den 1st wan was lyk err fer sq5 de.dey split into 2 grps.n err suppose 2 pass ham n tomato 2 da laz person 2 put inside da bread n make a sandwich.den at 1st vanessa was staning next 2 xuan ming wan.den when dey pass.arhs.u noe larx.den after dat vanessa cldnt take she gaf up n becam da 1st gurl.den when it came 2 xuan ming.den we were lyk saeing "xuan ming shang".heex.we r so baddie ppl.err.den on weiquan dat side when laytheng pass 2 him we sae "weiquan bu yao chi tou fu".hahas.n da game ended.dey both had 2 du 4fit dat was reli lame.whooo~.peg peg games.err.cuz sq2+3 n sq5+seniors.but we lyk peace wif we were suppose 2 actuali err.peg deyr clothes.den we were lyk err.runin abt.weilun tried 2 clip on mi a few times le but lyk was unsucessful.bud in da end we stil lose lehs.den fer 4fit we muz dance upside-down.again?yah.sorta.bud it was quite fun lars.dat shows dat dey at least lyk our dance da time has arrived.sq4 can perform liaos.omg.deyr dance was so cute.i lyk da 2nd dance but i prefer da 1st song.da 1st song is v innocent de.den err.da 2nd dance was dat retro wan.but it was stil quite cute a sense dat dey dance until v nice.but seriously we tink dat da dance v err.council style.den cuz it was dark.n we got lightstick.dem jonathan used it as a belt around his waist.den err.n i sae yuhan dance v seh.den when y-liting saw it she sae sth lyk he's 2 skinny le.lyk wad a duno wad [sth skiny] dancing.den i was lookin at jonathan.n i asked abt him.n she sae was lyk a shaking long bean?or sth funi.hahas.omg.deyr cute.n innocent?yepps.guess so.den err.sq times.interaction.den vanessa sae v hapi 2 c our sq now lyk so enthu lidat.den sae wad our sq ish cant lyk err.she sae den we learn.but we muz copy notes de.den xuanming sae dat when we juz cum in sum1 kip askin him 2 speak louder cuz she cant hear de.den dey oso ask y our sq so pathetic in y oni got 2 guys cum fer farewel.err.den dey gif us presents.dey gif us err dat key-chain thingy.n we gaf dem oso.vanessa of cuz ish winnie da pooh da lars.n cuz xuan ming ish lyk 4 yrs old oni den we juz gaf a milk bottle filled wif sweets.den jonana oso gif us duno wads dat.den err.sooyee gaf us sweets wrapped in aluminium foil.i tot it was a stone.err.okaes.i noe.lame.n err.vanessa sae she wan take pix wif us.den lyk we ask her 2 comman us den we can reply.omg.i so huai nian dat time lehs.omg.lyk so long nv repli vanessa n xuan ming as ICs le.cuz dey r not now.n vanessa ish working so she doesnt cum back.err.yupps.den we made her order us.den we repli.n echo fall-in.hees.dat was fun.n we fall out.n take fun de lorz.hahs.n den we juz lov replyin dem you mei youx.hahas.err.yepps.dats all fer interaction whole div.dat song ish gei ni de ge.den when we sing dat time rites.lyk we saw soo yee crying.den when we saw her crying de den we oso wan 2 cry liaos.den err.i oso wan 2 cry sad wan.den after dis song.ish dat sing-a-long session liaos.den we sat around dat candles dat was lyk sq4`o4.den we were singing.n crying fer sum of was juz so sad.i tink sum of da sec4s cried oso.did jonana cry?i tot he did.err.yepps.den i tink dat we shud juz let dem go.wish dem a brite future.dis farewel ish not an official goodbye but juz a comma in ur lives.u all haf made a significant page in our all seniors i n mi sq wud love 2 wish u all da bes in ur future endevours[spelt lidat mahs?].hees.lov u guys.=))

12:36 AM